In this first
issue of "LEAK TEST," INFICON shares its leak detection expertise
with the latest technology news, best practice applications, and product
enhancements. Your comments and queries are welcome.
We look
forward to hearing from you.
Airbag Leak Testing Delivers Significant
Cost Savings
Recently, an industry-leading airbag supplier, looking for performance improvements in their standard leak detectors to reduce the high level of maintenance required for continuous use, integrated a fully-automated INFICON leak detection system into its production line – and found tremendous success.
More »
on Helium for Leak Checking Reduces Manufacturing Costs
By diluting
helium with dry air to lower the concentration level,
you can save gas (and money) and not lose any productivity.
Need to know how to use diluted helium on your production line, monitor
helium mixtures, efficiently use a helium reclaim system, or minimize
losses from leaks in charging equipment and supply lines? Read "How
to Save on Helium Costs." View PDF
is Switching to CO2
CO2 as a refrigerant is a hot topic and will also play a key
role in addressing the increasing amount of environmental legislation
aimed at eliminating the use of fluorocarbon-based cooling systems. Read
an industry overview of what’s happening. More »