When setting up your leak detection station, always ensure that tracer gas is properly supplied by using the correct pressure regulator. Gas pressure regulators are used to reduce the pressure of gas supplied from a high-pressure cylinder to a level that can be safely used for operating equipment and instruments. Gas suppliers use their own threads on the gas cylinders. Therefore, check with your gas supplier about which thread type to use as well as if the thread should be right or left hand, since this also differs between suppliers.
When choosing a gas regulator, you should keep in mind that some tracer gases – like Forming gas H2/N2 mixtures - are mainly used for welding processes, where flow regulators are used. This is why gas suppliers often recommend this type of regulator. For leak testing however, it is important to have the correct gas pressure. Therefore, a pressure regulator must be used instead.
There are two basic types of gas pressure regulators: single-stage regulators which reduce the cylinder pressure to the outlet pressure in one step and two-stage regulators that reduce the cylinder pressure to the outlet pressure in two steps. INFICON suggests the use of two-stage regulators for a more stable pressure level. Single-stage regulators may drift off when the gas cylinder is almost empty. This can result into low gas pressures and the risk of missing leaks in tested products, or too high gas pressures which will generate safety issues.
Always check that a regulator is intended for the gas in question before connecting it. A regulator that meets industrial standards fits most leak detection purposes unless it is intended for use in the medical or food industry. These require special regulators.
Do you want to learn more about how to choose the right pressure regulator? Contact us at reachus@inficon.com