FabGuard eOCAP v4.023290 Release

Katie Sieg – Semiconductor Application Engineer, FabGuard Applications and Controls Engineering, Albany NY

The latest version of FabGuard eOCAP has been improved to make modeling workflows using the Designer easier and faster.


  • Improved top bar menu with node selection
  • New drag and drop node feature
  • New navigator menu
  • New search menu

Top Bar Menu

Node selection options previously available from the right-click menu are now included in the top bar menu (Figure 1). Access to selection options from the top bar menu makes it easy to quickly drop a new node into the workflow. Right-click menu options are still available for creating links between nodes.

Figure 1: Improved top bar menu.

Figure 2: Node 10 was highlighted as the preceding node and then a rule node was selected from the top bar menu and added after Node 10.

Figure 3: Node 20 was moved so that it follows Node 10 instead of Node 40.

Figure 4: Navigation menu.

To add a node using the top bar menu:

  1. Select the node in the workflow that will precede the new node.
  2. Select the new node type from the top bar.
  3. All links between nodes will be automatically modified to accept the new node (Figure 2).

To remove a node using the top bar menu:

  1. Select the node to be deleted.
  2. Click Delete from the top bar.
  3. The links between the preceding node and the subsequent node will be automatically modified to correct broken links.

Drag and Drop

To reposition nodes:

  1. Select the node to be repositioned.
  2. Drag and drop the node on top of the node it will follow.
  3. All links between nodes will be automatically modified to correct broken links (Figure 3).

Navigation Menu

A new navigation menu improves the controls for zooming, redrawing, and centering the workflow within the application (Figure 4).  It is no longer necessary to rely on the mouse wheel when moving around the modeled workflow.

Search Menu

A new search menu provides the capability to search keywords in a package (Figure 5). Each node entry in the list that contains the search term can be opened in the Designer window directly from the list. This feature provides better Designer navigation and also helps facilitate updates to the workflow. For example, when a variable name needs to be changed, use search to find the exact name and walk through the list to ensure that the name has been updated in all nodes. Using search significantly reduces the time needed to make a change and also reduces the chance that a change will be missed.

Figure 5: Search feature for the Designer.


The new additions to the FabGuard eOCAP Designer have made creating workflows easier and more intuitive, so you can spend less time searching for nodes and changing node links, and more time modeling and creating content.